Photo shows the bossman taken by the official photographers of Noynoy Penoy Aquino Fans Club during the delivery of an important speech at Malacanang on July 14, 2014. The bossman was so depressed, nervous and wanted to give a good speech in front of the President of the World Bank.
He had some refreshments, as you can see he is taking them to relieve himself of the stress, and it makes the refreshee very calm, time stops and everything appears to be ok.
The nearly one week long memorized speech went through quite well at the beginning. No one wanted to butt in anyway, so one can just say anything one wanted to say.
Everything was going on as planned and scripted (took several days to prepare so imagine how it could not go smoothly. But the memorization showed, there wasn't any oomph in the speech, just pure blabber and recital of rehearsed lines prepared by a lousy speech writer.)
But somewhere along the line, the deep worries and anxieties can make anyone bitter, full of angst, angry, whatever. If one cannot confront her or his demons, one becomes no better off than a demon.
Compounding the agony of the speech maker, the favorite tipster at left photo said for his lieutenants to call the boss and warn him about the arrival of some elements from the enemy camp to criticize the speech and even mock the speech maker.
The tipster said, they are the very ones that caused the DAP to be ruled illegal, criminal, unconstitutional. Tipster tips that they were garbed in uniforms where it was possible to conceal deadly weapons. Be very careful, the tipster said. Or they might be bringing in bombs, guns, poisonous or toxic substances. Notice how the surveillance photo captured the uniformed enemies clutching on to some things concealed underneath the uniforms.
The speech maker drove all the guests away from the large hall into a smaller hall to hide and told them that in case they wanted to leave, he was thankful to them for coming over.
If they wanted to stay, he told them, they were welcome but they will just try to bear the cramped conditions inside the small function room for their personal safety, but dalandan-apple (DAP) juice, mamon, san miguel beer and cigarettes will be served he said to all of them.
The formal wear was shed by the speech maker in favor of combat clothing. And the index cards, prompter for speech making was replaced by a long gun to shoot the enemy elements. The speech maker aimed at the enemy elements, waiting for their move, in case they might try something fatal.
Now the speechmaker was certain that they will terrorize his family, he cocked the gun and fired several shots. After he emptied the gun, he changed his combat shirt and donned a Yellow Army uniform with one-half of a bulletproof vest clipped to it and got another kind of gun and continued shooting at the enemy. The adversary were no match to this marksman. He hit them all bull's eye about the one billion pesos stolen or misused funds. How dare they intrude into the peaceful life of his family!
The shooting continued. After the gunfire died down, with all the enemy either dead of scampering away for their dear old precious life, the marksman drank some expensive mineral water from France and got a specially made cigar type of gadget that he smoked and smoked until he felt so very relaxed. Although he felt spent and weary, staring at nothing in particular, he said he felt like he had relieved himself thrice in the john. Haaay!
Then he called his favorite game playmates and lit his cigar gadget again. Meanwhile a commotion was heard on the grounds and our speech maker ran to a secluded area with his two game playmates in tow. It happened that a reinforcement of the enemy camp arrived but the special infernal revenge forces led by Commander Kim were armed to the teeth and the reinforcing armies were no match to the shooting skills of Cmdr. Kim alone.

Hundreds of enemy elements died from the successive volley of shots fired by Cmdr. Kim. The army of the enemy retreated after several thousands of live rounds were expended by Cmdr. Kim. In private, while playing with the game playmates, our bossman was so happy he was shouting at the top of his lungs, "You SC bastards, who stole 1 billion pesos, you will hear from me yet!!! Now we're even, you won the first round, I won the second round!!! The third round will be mine and you will all be dead!!!"
At the enemy camp, the threat was snubbed. They were still suffering from defeat over the supposed counter assault of the bossman. In reality there was no attack. They sent a delegation to hear the speech of the bossman and be able to learn and understand his intentions. After all, the bossman was the one that appointed the many of them to office.
Meanwhile the enemy camp was somber. They assembled in a powwow to mourn the deaths of their comrades and say their last prayers for the dead in a very solemn gathering. No one mentioned any further plans of attacking the bossman.
#Corruption, #Pork Barrel, #Philippines, #DAP